We came home on Monday after the move to find our toilet on the lawn :S.
Living where we do, there are a few factors that cause a bit of weariness when you have a toilet sitting on the lawn. (No looking like trailer folk ain't even the worst of it) My fear is that some local entertainer aka crack head is going to come and do their business in our lawn toilet (LT). I mean, I work downtown and see people getting their poo on in the street so why wouldn't they consider an LT as an open invite?!
And so everyday for the next couple days I would look in the toilet when I got home hoping that I wouldn't regret my decision. Sure enough, on day three I took a look and I saw this...

You guessed it! It's mysterious liquid!!!! Val swears it was in there from the beginning but I don't see how a toilet keeps its water when you take it out. A few days later we get this in out inbox...
Stick to landscaping with flowers and plants because LTs attract the wrong sort of attention.
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