Breast feeding has been all over the media lately. Or maybe I'm just noticing it because I'm an avid breast feeder. I'm not quite sure but either way I've noticed that our society has a twisted and perverted view of breast feeding. Come to think of it, North Americans have a perverted view of breasts period. When the Pope is a supporter! But that's not good enough for us is it?!
I'll start by saying, feeding one's child is not perverse. It's not sexual by any stretch of the imagination and yet somehow you are made to feel like a complete perv for feeding your hungry baby in public. Not all the time and not everywhere but as I found out today, the population in some spots in our beautiful city is dead set against it. Truthfully I'd always heard about people's objections through others, but I'd never actually seen it until today. This could likely be due to my being oblivious or perhaps my tendency to hang in areas and amongst people in support of breast feeding. Today however, I realized I'm not in Kansas anymore.
After a week of some hardcore polar bear friendly temperatures, we had a lovely day that felt like Canadian standards at least. The rest of the world would probably still see it as sh*t cold. So being the hibernator that I am, why I live in Canada is a whole other ball of wax, I decided it was time for Cyrus and mommy to hit the town. So we hit the aquarium. On our way back, the little man was hungry so I sat down at union station, pulled out my feeding cover and proceeded to feed the little man. That's when I saw it. At least 90% of the people walking by me were giving me stink eye. Honestly you'd think I was doing something ungodly where all I was doing was feeding my child. Come to think of it there used to be a crazy homeless dude that would wank his junk on College street that got less stink eye than I did. He'll I think he way have gotten some air high fives, for obvious reasons, too! In other words, my act of feeding my 5 month old is more offensive than Mr wanky doodle waving and abusing his junk in public! Really?! I even had a mother pull her son away and give me the look of "how dare you!" I guess that's how we manage to create a population of people with a twisted sense of right and wrong" seriously people get over it!!! The sad part is I was fully covered, not that it should matter, but it was the sheer thought of me baring a boob that offended at least 50-60 people in a very short time span. Hell I think Mr Wankovic got more praise for his junk show than I did for providing Cyrus with nutrients. When did we decide this is a sexual act of any sort? Why are we as a society so damn twisted that we have managed to chastise the most natural form of feeding for a child? Why don't we reserve the stink eye for when we're feeding our young kids pop (soda for my American friends) and candy and McDonalds? When we allow our 12 year old to dress up like $2 hookers with pounds of makeup and clothes that are much too revealing? Why is it that we celebrate things like child pageants as being normal and a breast feeding mother as the pervert? What happened to us to make us so delusional? What's wrong with that picture?! EVERYTHING is wrong with that picture!
My dear friends and readers I ask you to please support all the mothers you know regardless of whether they are Breast feeding or bottle feeding. We are all trying to do the same here which is help our monkeys grow. It's not a perverse act regardless of its source. Let's take a step towards acceptance for if this negative view continues breast feeding mothers may have to do as Mr Wanker did to detract negative attention and warrant some high fives. Sad that this is a battle of Mother vs Sir Wanksalot to see who the real perv is.
Love this!