I'm devastated to announce that we recently lost a very important member of our household. Our beautiful kitty Puffy.
This last little while was full of changes for Puffy as he suddenly decided he was an outdoor cat. From there, his days were busy with all his exploring, cat fights, sun bathing, walks in the neighborhood, peeing on everyone's tools and whatever else his little heart desired. Unfortunately his health was not able to pick up as his spirit had and we had to say goodbye to him earlier than we wanted to. Though we were hoping he would be with us a lot longer than he was, I guess sometimes, things don't go as expected. Thankfully he was able to die a peaceful death in an induces sleep in my arms and know that he was loved unconditionally.
Puffy was loved unconditionally by not only Val and I but by many of our friends and family members and he will be missed very dearly. I must say there's an emptiness in Happy 18 Emerson that is his absence but he will be remembered in the fondest ways possible.
Puffy's ashes will be brought home and spread out in the backyard where he was most happy so that he can be with us as we continue improving and building our little nest and he will always be a part of us, our lives and 18 Emerson.
Thanks to all our family and friends who have been there to support us as we go through this really rough time in our lives.
We love you Puff.
We've created this blog to keep our friends and family in the loop with the good times to be had at 18 Emerson. We ourselves are always so curious to find out what's happening in other people's houses (oh don't gimme that look you know you are too!) that we figured what the heck, come on in everyone! No hard hats required.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Just like the Energizer bunny, the renos keep going and going and going and going..............
I'm so flattered that everyone is so interested in the state of renovations at the house. So flattered in fact that after a crazy full day at work that makes me want to pass out on the spot, I listen to the needs of my people and I blog!
It's funny that we don't actually realize how crazy it is living in the midst of insane renos until multiple people start asking you when you're moving in. There is that awkward moment where you look at them and say "we moved in a month ago" which is usually followed by another moment of uncomfortable silence (mostly for them, surely they must feel like a douche) and finally, there's the attempt of redemption which usually goes like this: "Oh wow, good for you guys!". Listen, we know you're traumatized, you don't have to pretend! All stress aside, it's actually sort of fun sort of like camping with more noise and no lake to swim in. Mind you if we had a lake in here then we'd be worried.
I'm happy to report that we have the first check mark on our looooooonnnnnnnggggg list of to do's. Ahh yes I bet you're dying to know what it is aren't you?! Well I don't want to keep you waiting so here it is:
That's right folks! You are looking at a brand new, laundry/makeshift kitchen tap! Impressed? We're very proud indeed.
Speaking of the Laundry/makeshift kitchen, the washer and dryer were to arrive on Saturday. We were so excited to finally have an opportunity to do laundry at home without having to hang with the crackies for a change. The delivery guys shows up with his "I smoke 8 packs a day" voice acting like he's doing this for free, does some measurements only to let us know that the washer and dryer we've been waiting for does not fit. Then he steals our precious Lawn toilet flush handle thingie and takes off like a bat out of hell, with our W/D. Crap! And so we go back to the drawing boards to look for a smaller W/D but after looking in a few locations, we decided to see if we can break some more stuff down, mainly a door way to see if that gives us the space we need to keep our original machines.
In the meanwhile, my lovely brother in-law was busy tearing down wall paper at the house. He was doing an outstanding job too! We were all excited with all the progress at the house and we decided to get right in there and after doing some measuring, Val's fabulous uncle Louie, took a hammer and crow bar (is that how you spell it?) to the frame and took that shit down!!
Unfortunately, for Paul, the wall that he was working on came with it :S.
Well, new walls it is then!
While this was happening...
My super awesome father in-law has been on our case about putting tiles on the wall. We didn't quite understand why, give then beautiful Pepto Bismol pink tiles mixed in with random floral patterns, luxurious Pepto pink cardboard mixed in with a lovely array of wall paper left overs. But hey to each their own I guess.
Given the current no Washer Dryer situation, we finally went in and bought some tile so he can ruin our existing fancy decor and put up some tile. You know that saying "be careful what you wish for"? Well, unfortunately for papa Alves, we wanted subway tile :) that's right, awesome, simple small, tile!! Poor thing, spent the next two days putting up tiles.
we're now waiting for the grout to finish the job. Thanks dad!!
Before I bring you above ground i also thought I'd show you what a vintage stove looks like. Isn't it great that adding "vintage" in front of any word, makes it fancy? For example, vintage car, vintage jewlery, vintage dirty diapers...k well maybe not everything. Anyways, here's the awesomeness that is our vintage stove:
So now lets step into the light. The sunlight that is!!
After a day of running around doing God knows what, I came home to find that Val and his brother had been hard at work, cleaning up the front yard. Am I the only one that didn't know weeds can grow into tree form??? WTF?!
Well, now that that is out of the way, let's move this show to the back. Those of you who have spoken to me at this point will know that we have a cherry tree in the backyard. Val jokes that I bought the house because of the tree....is it a joke? Really? Is it? I've been eating off the tree already; being as impatient as I am. I can't help myself, it's so tempting. If you don't believe me, take a look:
Well. That's it for tonight folks! Thanks for reading!
P.S. if you want to come see the house, just say so. "Oh, I just happened to be in the neighborhood" is just too obvious ;). Seriously, come by anytime! Just don't be surprised if we hand you a hammer and put you to work.
It's funny that we don't actually realize how crazy it is living in the midst of insane renos until multiple people start asking you when you're moving in. There is that awkward moment where you look at them and say "we moved in a month ago" which is usually followed by another moment of uncomfortable silence (mostly for them, surely they must feel like a douche) and finally, there's the attempt of redemption which usually goes like this: "Oh wow, good for you guys!". Listen, we know you're traumatized, you don't have to pretend! All stress aside, it's actually sort of fun sort of like camping with more noise and no lake to swim in. Mind you if we had a lake in here then we'd be worried.
I'm happy to report that we have the first check mark on our looooooonnnnnnnggggg list of to do's. Ahh yes I bet you're dying to know what it is aren't you?! Well I don't want to keep you waiting so here it is:
That's right folks! You are looking at a brand new, laundry/makeshift kitchen tap! Impressed? We're very proud indeed.
Speaking of the Laundry/makeshift kitchen, the washer and dryer were to arrive on Saturday. We were so excited to finally have an opportunity to do laundry at home without having to hang with the crackies for a change. The delivery guys shows up with his "I smoke 8 packs a day" voice acting like he's doing this for free, does some measurements only to let us know that the washer and dryer we've been waiting for does not fit. Then he steals our precious Lawn toilet flush handle thingie and takes off like a bat out of hell, with our W/D. Crap! And so we go back to the drawing boards to look for a smaller W/D but after looking in a few locations, we decided to see if we can break some more stuff down, mainly a door way to see if that gives us the space we need to keep our original machines.
In the meanwhile, my lovely brother in-law was busy tearing down wall paper at the house. He was doing an outstanding job too! We were all excited with all the progress at the house and we decided to get right in there and after doing some measuring, Val's fabulous uncle Louie, took a hammer and crow bar (is that how you spell it?) to the frame and took that shit down!!
Unfortunately, for Paul, the wall that he was working on came with it :S.
Well, new walls it is then!
While this was happening...
My super awesome father in-law has been on our case about putting tiles on the wall. We didn't quite understand why, give then beautiful Pepto Bismol pink tiles mixed in with random floral patterns, luxurious Pepto pink cardboard mixed in with a lovely array of wall paper left overs. But hey to each their own I guess.
Given the current no Washer Dryer situation, we finally went in and bought some tile so he can ruin our existing fancy decor and put up some tile. You know that saying "be careful what you wish for"? Well, unfortunately for papa Alves, we wanted subway tile :) that's right, awesome, simple small, tile!! Poor thing, spent the next two days putting up tiles.
we're now waiting for the grout to finish the job. Thanks dad!!
Before I bring you above ground i also thought I'd show you what a vintage stove looks like. Isn't it great that adding "vintage" in front of any word, makes it fancy? For example, vintage car, vintage jewlery, vintage dirty diapers...k well maybe not everything. Anyways, here's the awesomeness that is our vintage stove:
So now lets step into the light. The sunlight that is!!
After a day of running around doing God knows what, I came home to find that Val and his brother had been hard at work, cleaning up the front yard. Am I the only one that didn't know weeds can grow into tree form??? WTF?!
Anyways, they were so hard at work that they even inspired kitty to venture out into some yard work.
The only trouble is that kitty's version of yard work involves the neighbour's yard and I suspect some property marking.
Weeds aside though, we also have some fantabulous roses out there that Val wants to take down...you heard it here people! My husband wants to kill my roses. (See honey? Never question me, I will expose you on the blog!!!)
To save my roses, please contact Val and tell him I am right!!Well, now that that is out of the way, let's move this show to the back. Those of you who have spoken to me at this point will know that we have a cherry tree in the backyard. Val jokes that I bought the house because of the tree....is it a joke? Really? Is it? I've been eating off the tree already; being as impatient as I am. I can't help myself, it's so tempting. If you don't believe me, take a look:
We were also told we have some lettuce in the backyard. I don't know about you but this has to be the strangest looking "lettuce" I've ever seen.
You better hope you don't run into my lettuce in a dark alleyway anytime soon. It'll F*ck you up!!Well. That's it for tonight folks! Thanks for reading!
P.S. if you want to come see the house, just say so. "Oh, I just happened to be in the neighborhood" is just too obvious ;). Seriously, come by anytime! Just don't be surprised if we hand you a hammer and put you to work.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
here by popular demand
For the last 2 weeks I've been taking pictures of our little house. Okay fine secret confession: I've started taking the pics before we even owned the place :). Anyways the point I'm trying to get to is that I've been taking pictures all through the fix 18 Emerson Project. Here by popular demand are the before and midpoint pictures:
So this takes you all the way to the day we bought our little gem. Here's where we are now:
This is what I think about removing wallpaper:
Before I take off, let me show you the very high tech security system!
We like the Zen feel of this tranquil oasis. We're more than happy to help you achieve the same with your backyard as well....for a small fee that is ;). Well that's all she wrote!
P.S. Did I mention we're right on top of the subway? No really, see that building to the left?! Yes, yes it is indeed the good old TTC!!
So this takes you all the way to the day we bought our little gem. Here's where we are now:
P.S. Did I mention we're right on top of the subway? No really, see that building to the left?! Yes, yes it is indeed the good old TTC!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The toilet on the lawn
We came home on Monday after the move to find our toilet on the lawn :S.
Living where we do, there are a few factors that cause a bit of weariness when you have a toilet sitting on the lawn. (No looking like trailer folk ain't even the worst of it) My fear is that some local entertainer aka crack head is going to come and do their business in our lawn toilet (LT). I mean, I work downtown and see people getting their poo on in the street so why wouldn't they consider an LT as an open invite?!
And so everyday for the next couple days I would look in the toilet when I got home hoping that I wouldn't regret my decision. Sure enough, on day three I took a look and I saw this...

You guessed it! It's mysterious liquid!!!! Val swears it was in there from the beginning but I don't see how a toilet keeps its water when you take it out. A few days later we get this in out inbox...
Stick to landscaping with flowers and plants because LTs attract the wrong sort of attention.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Welcome to 18 Emerson
After spending God knows how long, house hunting, a million open houses and a gazillion other viewings. We walked into 18 Emerson and felt that Je ne sais qois that we'd been looking for.
Now bare with me here, you're probably looking at this little house thinking"really? Je ne said quoi? Is that what you call it?!" The thing about us is that we go on vibe and vision. We're not interested in a luxurious new built fancy home, we were looking character, charm and mostly a home that felt happy and that would let us give it love and to also inspire us to start our family and grow. Let's not start any baby rumors here, I'm just talking potential. Don't forget, location location location, we're always looking for up and coming neighborhoods.
Naturally we looked around and saw the character, charm, need for love. The crack heads, pimps and hookers the hard to miss House of Lancaster, along side the fantastic restaurants, vintage and antique shops made up our mind and we made the decision to buy our first home.
Welcome to 18 Emerson! It's been quite and adventure so far.
Now bare with me here, you're probably looking at this little house thinking"really? Je ne said quoi? Is that what you call it?!" The thing about us is that we go on vibe and vision. We're not interested in a luxurious new built fancy home, we were looking character, charm and mostly a home that felt happy and that would let us give it love and to also inspire us to start our family and grow. Let's not start any baby rumors here, I'm just talking potential. Don't forget, location location location, we're always looking for up and coming neighborhoods.
Naturally we looked around and saw the character, charm, need for love. The crack heads, pimps and hookers the hard to miss House of Lancaster, along side the fantastic restaurants, vintage and antique shops made up our mind and we made the decision to buy our first home.
Welcome to 18 Emerson! It's been quite and adventure so far.
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